
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Rulesverse Prints · 3:22am Jul 28th, 2019

Good news everyone,

Rhealm has gotten her art program up and running.

Slightly more complicated news upcoming. So for context, Rhealm and I don’t live together yet, but we are moving in together, which is one of the main purposes of moving house as many of you have been made aware is going on with me. Currently Rhealm lives about 4 hours away but is moving down and has been having some car issues. With that in mind I’ve made her an offer and idea if you guys would interested.

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Moving Day Is Set · 12:58am Dec 9th, 2020

So, the good news is that my roommates and I are approved for our new apartment. The bad news is that, obviously, with the move comes the moving expenses. It will also mean that I'll probably have a little less time to write than I'd like, but fortunately, I've got plenty of backlog on Dead by Midnight, so updates will still come out regularly.

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Report I-A-M · 182 views · #Patreon #Moving Day #Marathon

Marathon Pt.3 · 8:16pm Dec 23rd, 2020

Moving day is here, such as it is. I say 'moving day' but honestly we're just going to be moving over the next week and a half trying to haul our lives between two places in the dead of winter.

To anyone and everyone who has supported me through this, whether that's financially, emotionally, or verbally, thank you. Every single one of you who has sat down and read my work, followed the adventures of my girls, and talked about them, has helped me.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results